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The Partners

CA K. Chennubotlu, the founding partner, a Chartered Accountant with an extensive experience of more than three decades, brings into the firm his thoroughness and expertise in Society / Trust expert knowledge, Foreign Contribution Regulations Act (FCRA), Consulting to NGO, Accounting advisory services, Taxation and regulatory services, Corporate audits and assurance, Project finance and Fund Raising etc. He also specializes in information systems audit. Under his leadership, the firm expanded both horizontally and vertically, creating a niche for itself in the market.

CA E.Ravi Kumar, a Chartered Accountant, comes in with a huge wisdom in accounting advisory, consulting, taxation and regulatory aspects, business process flow through information systems, NGO and trust procedures and regulations, internal audit and systems audit. He was instrumental in building the brand of the firm with his broad experience of 16 years in the present firm. Prior to joining us, he worked with Nataraja Iyer & Co. for about 16 years.

Along with above 2 partners, we have below key people who have been associated with the firm from day one of its operations.

P. Balasubramaniam, is the Senior Audit and Assurance In charge. With his rich experience of 42 years, he specializes in FCRA laws and regulations, internal audit, Bank assurance, taxation and regulatory aspects, compliance and governance facets of organizations. He mentors and guides all the junior staff and trainees.

K. Sham Kumar, is the Audit In charge, who has vast experience in area of Society / Trust audit and assurance, accounting advisory, FCRA regulations along with taxation and regulatory aspect. He has overall experience of more than 30 years.

V. Vijay Kumar, is the Audit Associate, who has long experience in area of Society / Trust audit, FCRA regulations along with taxation and regulatory aspect. He has overall experience of more than 16 years. The Firm is assisted by other well experienced staff and six article trainees.

Semi-Qualified Assistants - 1
Associates - 10
Article Clerks - 6

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